I wanna be a part of what is happening all over the world. And we know that internet is very useful in matters like that. While I was cleaning our house, I turned on the television and came across this news about the Mumbai Attack. I am not really a news person. But what I saw was that there was already smoke in Taj Hotel. That was a while ago. I dont know much from now. But I got videos for you to watch online.
I am not familiar really with the story. But upon seeing the videos my body hair stand. This is not a movie guys. Its reality and horrifying. Imagine being in that situation. My gush. Countries all over the world must do something to stop these terrorists. This is a crime that should be stopped.
Here are the videos:
CNN IBN Live Streaming Mumbai Attack
mumbai attack bomb blast and firing live video
Mumbai attack terrorist Photo live 27 November 2008
CNN IBN Live Streaming Mumbai Attack Video

today's headlines
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