Link Exchange: How

Sunday |

Have you read the rules? Click Link Exchange Rules.

Now, Link exchange? Here's how.

1. Make a comment from this post (click here to create a comment).
2. In your comment, add your url and anchor text (anchor text should be the title of your blog not a keyword).
3. Include also a category of your blog.
4. Image or button code is prohibited.
5. In your blog, place my blog url ( and either of the following anchor text depending on what may be related to your blog:
a. most watched videos online (recommended)
b. entertainment news and videos
c. sports news and videos
d. live streaming videos
6. I'll check your blog if my blog link is already displayed. Only then will your blog be included in my blogroll.
7. The author has the right to decline link exchange request.

If your blog is approved, it will be included in the blogroll.