A friend reminded me to do this. As I started blogging, I kept searching for blogs to exchange links with. However, as time passes by I forgot all about it. Since this blog has been accumulating higher number of visitors as compared to my other blogs, I believe it would be wise to accept link exchanges.
This is an experiment insofar as link exchange is concerned. As of this moment, I am still in the process of preparing some guidelines for the matter. One rule though that I am particular with is that never add rel="nofollow" in my link for I will never be doing that for you too.
If you want to exchange link with me, please leave a comment and indicate the title and url of the blog. Before leaving a comment though, be sure that you already placed my link in your blog. I will be checking it before accepting any request for link exchange.
Here is my blog detail:
Blog Title: Most Watched Videos Online
Blog Url: http://videos-online-watch.blogspot.com
(update) Rules have been changed. To exchange links, read Link Exchange: How.
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Link Exchange Introduction

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The texts from this blog are penned by the blog author. However, the videos or photos provided herein were not personally uploaded by the author. These videos or photos are taken from third-party sites.
Any person claiming rights to these videos or photos and desiring to delete them from this blog may contact the blog author at bestre89@gmail.com.