Thursday |

Obviously, because the halloween is just a few nights to go horror movies are the most watched movies online. Actually, I am thinking of taking note of what's going to be shown at HBO. Definitely, HBO will be featuring movies that are related to halloween. In fact, they are starting it but I have not chosen the right horror movie to watch. Texas Chainsaw Massacre may be interesting.

This movie is based on a true story. I saw this movie already but there is nothing wrong in watching it again. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (true story) that I saw was released in the year 2003 where it starred Jessica Biel. Actually, this is the first time that I came to know Jessica Biel and the first thing that I liked about her is her body, lol.

are the only videos that I found at youtube:

1. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) Trailer

2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) Full Trailer

In the above second video, I dont know if there is a problem with my computer or with the video itself. It would just not play but it is running. I hope that it will play in your computer.