Thursday |

I am familiar with this show. Although to be honest, I dont watch the same. That is because I know nothing about the sport football. Am I talking the right TV show? I am just being paranoid here. This is the most watched video online aside from all others that I mentioned today. You should watch otherwise...hmmm, I'll think for a while of the consequences for not watching the videos I am featuring here, lol.

Anyway, I feel lucky today for I found in youtube the full video of the Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5. I have a feeling that you must watch it now for there is a possibility that this video will be taken out from youtube. Its just a hunch though. You might as well watch it in this blog, besides I have embedded here the full episode.

So here is the full video of the Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 (but I have a problem though. Again, the videos are not playing in my computer just try in yours.):

1. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 1)

2. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 2)

3. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 3)

4. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 4)

5. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 5)

6. Friday Night Lights Season 3 Episode 5 video (Part 6)