This week's performances by both male and female are not commendable. Of course there are a few who were great. It seemed that up to this moment the judges are unsatisfied of what they are hearing from the American Idol hopefuls. Hopefully, all these doubts and confusions will diminish after tonight's result.
As usual, two from each group of performers will be eliminated. After the elimination, the complete American Idol top 12 list for this season will be revealed.
Watch the announcement of the result for this week's performance tonight. You can watch American Idol Season 9 Episode 21 (s09e21) live streaming on FOX at 8:00 PM.
(update) The following are eliminated from the competition, Katelyn Epperly, Todrick Hall, Alex Lambert and Lilly Scott. Click here for the complete list of American Idol Season 9 top 12.
American Idol Results March 11, 2010 (Who are Eliminated?)

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