Every person believe on what they are capable of. This two champions RICKY HATTON and MANNY PACQUIAO are known to be good at boxing. Each individual has each goals in attaining the game. I must admit that i think Pacquiao has what it takes to bring the pride of Filipino and he really is a strong man. On the other hand preparations of Hatton is always ready to be on the fight. I am not that interested with boxing but when I first the game between Pacquiao and Morales I then appreciated the game. Every nation supports their boxing champions and every nation pray for the win of each boxers. Though every game there is a looser whatever it takes the most important thing is the love and unity always seen in every human being.
If I will be given the chance to go to MGM GRAND GARDEN ARENA on May 2, 2009 I will possibly be inside and salute the boxers inside the ring.
the glory be with you.
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