Watch online Jeremy Lusk X Games 2008 Video! Jeremy Lusk was an international motocross star. He is known in its freestyle rides and was a part of the Metal Mulisha freestyle motocross team. I am not really familiar with motocross competition. But it is obviously a dangerous sport to indulge into. And Jeremy Lusk had a taste of that danger during a Moto X Best Trick competition at the X Games in Mexico. He suffered head injuries, was rushed to the hospital but.
Jeremy Lusk died yesterday, February 9, 2009. What a heartache for his wife Lauren Lusk. I was searching for a Jeremy Lusk video, particularly news online, but I failed to find one. What I got below is Jeremy Lusk video accident at X Games. I think motocross death is something not new and Lusk crash is one evidence thereof.
Watch online Jeremy Lusk Video! This is a video of Jeremy Lusk fatal crash.
Jeremy Lusk X Games 2008
RELATED POSTS: Jeremy Lusk Funeral Video
Jeremy Lusk X Games 2008 Video

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