I thought of posting yesterday about this Jeremy Lusk funeral. But for some reason, I decided to make it today of which I think its too late when it comes to driving traffic to my blog. But still I owe something to him. And in times like this when someone so popular as Jeremy Lusk is dead and buried, usually several others are of sympathy especially of such a young age when he still have a lot to do.
Jeremy Lusk funeral or Jeremy Lusk burial is today. I thought it would be several days yet since I think it was just only 5 days ago when he died. Whew, time really runs so fast. I think the family need not want to suffer the pain so long. And its pretty obvious
I got this video of Jeremy Lusk funeral where you can watch online. I am not sure if it is still ongoing but there is also a simultaneous webcast thereof. If you want to check the webcast link you can comment in this post.
Watch online Jeremy Lusk Funeral Video
RELATED POSTS: Jeremy Lusk X Games 2008 Video
Jeremy Lusk Funeral Video

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