Charles Barkley Pleads Guilty to DUI Case Video

Monday |

Watch online Charles Barkley Pleads Guilty to DUI Case Video! I am a fan of Charles Barkley. I like his being bubbly. The way he talks its just simply frank and funny at the same time. But this time the story is nothing at all funny. Remember Charles Barkley being arrested for DUI? That was during the new year. Read my post on the matter entitled Charles Barkley Arrested at DUI Checkpoint (Video).

Well this time, Charles Barkley pleads guilty to the offense charged and will be imprisoned for five days which imprisonment will start on March 21, 2009. It is said that Charles Barkley is guilty of two misdemeanor charges of DUI for his arrest in Scottsdale. In addition to that, he also pleaded guilty for running a red light. For more of this report, check the video below.

Watch online Charles Barkley Pleads Guilty to DUI Case Video!