I sometimes wonder why this Caylee Anthony case is so popular to the whole world. I mean there are a lot of child cases but this is one is different that it acquired world wide consideration. The death of Caylee Anthony is something that broke the heart of a lot of people. And the question now remains unresolved, is Casey Anthony guilty of murdering Caylee Anthony?
Well, that is yet to come. I have no idea as to how long this case will go on but I am pretty sure that it will end. The news online centers on Casey Anthony text messages. These text messages were Casey Anthony's text messages
to her boyfriend Tony Lazaro. As to what is the relevance of this text messages, I still have no idea yet. But I have the full text of Casey Anthony text messages. Read below:
6:50 a.m. "Where is Caylee?"
6:53 a.m. "I don't know.. R U serious? When did you find out?"
6:58 a.m. "Y wouldn't you tell me of all people. I was UR boyfriend that cares about you and UR daughter- Doesn't make sense to me. Why would you lie to me thinking she was fine and with your nanny?"
7:02 a.m. "I don't know what to say... I just hope your daughter is OK and I'm going to do whatever i can to help your family and the cops."
7:04 - 7:19 a.m. "Who is this Zanny person? Where did you drop Caylee off last time you saw her?"
"Have you told and showed the police the apartment?"
7:23 a.m. "Yea no S*%& this is serious why would U say something sooner about this? To anyone?"
7:25 a.m. "Oh and why are you texting me and not calling?"
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Casey Anthony Text Messages

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