Latest Episodes of TV shows

Saturday |

I intended to post something about latest episodes of TV shows because as of now, there are no videos yet that I can post in this blog. May be sometime next week the videos will be available. And if that is the case, I will provide a per tv show post just for you. So that you will not be behind by all others. I guess this is one good thing. In this case, my blog will be of more service to its blog readers, especially so that I almost reached my aim of increasing my blog visits or views to at least 500 a day. And I happy for that.

Here are the latest episodes that you need to check out relating to your favorite TV shows:

NCIS - Silent Night at CBS, Tue, Dec 16 8:00 PM

GOSSIP GIRL - O Brother, Where Bart Thou? at CW, Mon, Dec 8 8:00 PM

CSI CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION - 19 Down... at CBS, Thu, Dec 11 9:00 PM

HEROES - Duality at NBC Mon, Dec 15, 9:00 PM

SNL - guest stars Hugh Laurie and Kanye West on Dec 13, 2008

ER - The High Holiday at NBC, Thu, Dec 11 10:00 PM

CRIMINAL MINDS - Brothers in Arms at CBS, Wed, Dec 10 9:00 PM

I think this is all for now. I am tired copying and pasting. If you want you tell me what TV show in particular you want to have the schedule. That's all guys. I've got to watch television right now.