Watch online Flirting With Forty! Flirty With Forty is actually a movie. It stars Heather Loclear and Robert Buckley. Its actually a very interesting movie. Imagine a man loving a woman more than ten years older than him. Before this is impossible but now it seemed like its normal. There are actually several couples out there who are like this. And so what? As long as you both truly love each other then go on even to the extent of Flirting With Forty.
The story is extraordinary for in here Heather Locklear as Jackie Laurens is a 40-year old divorcee who happens to visit Hawaii to celebrate her 40th birthday. Unexpectedly, she finds love with a hot man and I say literally hot celebrity, duh, in the name of Robert Buckley who plays as Kyle. One way led to another and they find themselves in a situation where love became wrong when in fact there is nothing said and done that makes love the source of pain. Tonight actually is the premiere of this movie and you can watch the same at Lifetime, 9pm.
Heather Locklear is Flirting With Forty - Dec 6 at 9pm ET|PT on Lifetime
There is actually a free movie download for this movie, but I dont have the authority to give you that.
Flirting With Forty Movie Trailer

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