Although my blog title is relating to the most watched videos online, I think I have a prerogative of posting something not relating to that topic. There are times that I am at lost of what videos I will post here. And may be this is the reason why, I rarely update this blog. But now, I think of expanding. I will be posting anything that I feel like posting but of course I'll give priorities to posts which are videos related to give justice to this blog. For now, I feel like posting about how to cancel a friendster account.
You may be bothered why I though of posting about canceling a friendster account when in fact all others are eager to sign up and open an account at friendster. At this moment in my life, I wanted to be invisible. I dont want anyone to know about what is going on with my life and so forth. That extends to my relatives but of course excluded are the members of my immediate my family. That is why, I decided to close my friendster account.
On how to cancel a friendster account, all you have to do is log in to your friendster account using your friendster email address and friendster password. Of course I know that you know how to log in, I just wanna expand my post, lol. Then in your friendster account look for the word "settings" which you can find at the upper right side of your friendster account near to "Messages." After clicking "Settings" you will be delivered to your "Account Settings" which contains your Personal Information and Privacy Settings. At the very bottom of that column you will see save and cancel. And in line to that will be "Cancel." Then click "Cancel" after clicking cancel you will be asked to confirm if indeed you are really decided to cancel your friendster account. If you say yes then your friendster account will be canceled. That's it guys. I hope I helped.
Cancelling A Friendster Account

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