Brazil and Netherlands will be meeting at the quarterfinals on July 2, 2010. Watch live streaming. Paris Hilton and a friend Jennifer was their watching the game.
We’ve been getting the results, but we’ve not yet shown the kind of team we are and the kind of football we can play. Dutch winger Eljero Elia of Netherlands . He is very positive on that and the conviction of believing their team to win is what makes this good team reach to the quarter finals and aiming still to win on the next roud.
One of the player of Brazil was injured Elano , 29 year old. "He has bad bruising and it was after he trained on Sunday that he said that he was having problems.
"The bone is swollen and we have to release the pressure on it so he will do nothing strenuous for the rest of the week.""We still hope he can play next week but I can't say that he will be able to categorically." Well though they had an injured player they still look forward to play the game nice and for the goal.
Hope to get the results as soon as the live streaming is done. Goodluck to you players.
Watch Netherlands (Holland) vs Brazil - FIFA World Cup 2010 Quarterfinal live streaming

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