Jerry Buss
For Lakers Fan all you got to do is to shout for LA Lakers is 4 pts ahead of Boston Celtics. We always wanted to watch the highlights of Game 7. Not only the fans of the Lakers is very much happy Mr. Jerry Buss or Gerald Haten Buss is the owner of the LA Lakers Team. He is said to be a billionaire and a successful businessman. He is a chemist and an employee of Bureau of Mines because he had a good money then he pursue with business. Before he handled LA Lakers he first was encouraged to do the work with World Tennis and then he also handled hockey until then he Handled LA Lakers. He is really a successful man as he is very much happy for the win. A parade will also be one of the big event for the Champions as they share their victory to the whole world.
Jerry Buss
Jerry Buss Talks About LA Lakers win

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