When Miguel Cotto was defeated with Manny Pacquiao last year , he wasn't able to fight for almost a year. According to what I read Cotto is on his mission to get back in shape by taking the Middle weight champion Yuri Foreman this June 5, 2010.
Being a current title holder of his division Yuri will be fighting against Miguel Cotto. With that Miguel Cotto must also be alarm for many says that Yuri had a similar punch with Manny Pacquiao.
Bob Arum also said that there might be a Pacquiao vs Cotto 2 if ever the Pacquiao-Mayweather fight will not push through.
Watch the Miguel Cotto vs Yuri FOreman Live Streaming
You can watch it now live streaming on hbo and watch live stream site.
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Watch Miguel Cotto vsYuri Foreman live streaming

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