A mid week showtime of Strikeforce will be at the stage at Nokia Theater at Los Angeles this Wednesday June 16 at 11:00 PM. Renato "Babalu" Sobral and "Ruthless" Robbie Lawler. A lightweight match-up between KJ Noons and Conor Huen as well as a 205-pound scrap between Tim Kennedy and Trevor Prangley.
Weigh in Video Click here.
The fight card:
Main event:
195 lbs.: Robbie Lawler vs. Renato Sobral
Main card (Televised):
170 lbs.: Evangelista Santos vs. Marius Zaramoskis
205 lbs.: Tim Kennedy vs. Trevor Prangley
155 lbs.: Conor Heun vs. K.J. Noons
Under card (May not be broadcast):
160 lbs.: R.J. Clifford vs. Jeremy Umphries
135 lbs.: Marcus Kowal vs. Hugo Sandoval
We will be watching for a live streaming .
Watch Replay Video.
Watch Strikeforce Fight Live streaming

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