What do you think of the outcome of the Mosley vs Mayweather "Who are u picking?" boxing fight? Some predicted that its gonna be Mayweather who will win the main event. However, Mosley fans are of high hopes that their bet will have a chance to win.
Now that the fight is over. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. emerged as the winner. Hence, speculations of Mosley vs Pacquiao fight will definitely not come into reality. There is likewise a narrow chance that Pacquiao vs Mayweather will happen. So, whose next in the boxing arena? Will Pacquiao retire now?
These and several other questions will remain unanswered. All that the boxing fans could do is to wait and perhaps appeal that there's gonna be a Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight this year. We'll see to that. Here is the Mosley vs Mayweather result:
Floyd Mayweather defeated Shane Mosley
Saul Alvarez defeated JM Cotto
Daniel Ponce de Leon defeated Cornelius Lock
Said Ouali defeated Hector Saldivia
Jessie Vargas defeated Arturo Morua
Eloy Perez defeated Gilberto Sanchez Leon
Dion Savage defeated Tommie Speller
Luis Ramos defeated Allen Litzau
Mayweather vs Mosley Replay Video
Sugar Shane Mosley vs Floyd Mayweather Result

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