Miss USA 2010 - Arab - Fakih was asked: Whether she thought birth control should be paid for by health insurance?
She said she believed it should because it's costly. "I believe that birth control is just like every other medication even though it's a controlled substance,".
Here are the other questions and answer portion on the video below :
Miss Virginia USA Samantha Evelyn Casey was the second runner-up, Miss Colorado USA Jessica Hartman was third runner-up, and Miss Maine USA Katherine Ashley Whittier was the fourth runner-up.
A panel of eight judges, including NBA star Carmelo Anthony, Treasure Island casino-hotel owner Phil Ruffin and Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir, were judging the girls throughout the night.
The pageant aired live to East Coast viewers on NBC.
The competition, which is not affiliated with the Miss America pageant, was hosted by celebrity chef Curtis Stone and NBC correspondent Natalie Morales.
Watch this question and answer video 2010 Miss USA
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