Gary Coleman was reported dead on Friday Morning May 28,2010 on TMZ. He died in the hospital, his father and wife was the one who took care of him. He died at 12:05 Noon
At the age of 42 he was taken and be in other life. Remembering his good entertainment in the showbiz industry , he is best known as Arnold Jackson on " Different Strokes".
Below is the AP article and obituary:
PROVO, Utah -- Gary Coleman, the child star of the smash 1970s TV sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" whose later career was marred by medical and legal problems, has died after suffering an intercranial hemorrhage. He was 42.
Utah Valley Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Janet Frank said life support was terminated and Coleman died at 12:05 p.m. MDT.
Coleman, with his sparkling eyes and perfect comic timing, became a star after "Diff'rent Strokes" debuted in 1978. He played the younger brother in a pair of African-American siblings adopted by a wealthy white man.
Watch the interview f Gary Coleman way back 2009
Gary Coleman DEAD: 'Diff'rent Strokes' Actor Dies In Utah, Wife Shannon Price At His Side

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