If it is based on singing performance alone, its gonna be Casey James who is going home tonight. However, that's not always the case. Because of physical appearances, voters tend to pick those who are pleasing to the eyes. And this might be the reason for Casey James to be included in the American Idol top 3.
Don't be mad at me. Of course, there is no doubt that Casey James can sing. He has the voice. But sometimes performing on stage can ruin everything. Several factors can be considered. That includes the fact of being nervous not to mention the pressure and of course inexperienced in performing in front of thousands of people.
If Casey James can make it tonight, he must choose a song that will reveal his extraordinary voice. This is not the time to be safe. Its the time to show off. Watch out who will be going home tonight.
(update) Big Mike is out of the show.
American Idol Top 3 Results (May 12, 2010 Result)
American Idol Season 9 Episode 39 Live Streaming
Bonjovi American Idol Performance Video
Fantasia Barrino American Idol Performance Video
Chris Daughtry American Idol Performance Video
American Idol Who is Going Home or Voted Off the Show

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