Both fighters Mayweather and Mosley agree to undergo an Olympic style drug testing. This is something new in the field of boxing. According to Richard Schaefer of Golden Boy Promotions, “This is one of the biggest events I’ve seen in the sport of boxing, and if this introduces Olympic-style testing to boxing, we not only have delivered a great fight but also leveled the field for athletes.” (source: sports yahoo)
Mosley and Mayweather will be tested unannounced. Their blood, urine or similar samples for that matter will be screened for all kinds of drugs currently banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency, including human growth hormone and designer steroids such as THG.
With the two fighters conceding to the drug test, we will be witnessing a clean fight for both fighters (not that prior fights by other boxers are not cleaned). Does this mean, that Pacquiao vs Mayweather will never come into reality? Watch Mayweather vs Mosley live streaming on May 1, 2010.
Mayweather vs Mosley on Olympic Style Drug Test

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