Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Boise State vs TCU Live Streaming and Score

Monday |

The number 6 and number 4 team will compete tonight at the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. This Monday night bowl is a national semifinal match.

Tostitos Fiesta Bowl is a match between two undefeated teams. But according to NCAA football bloggers from ESPN, TCU will be the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl champion even without cornerback Rafael Priest. The State vs TCU match will be held at University of Phoenix Stadium.

You can watch Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Boise State vs TCU Live Streaming on Fox at 8 p.m. ET or here if embedding codes are available online. Score will be updated later.

(update) Tostitos Fiesta Bowl Boise State vs TCU score is 17-10. Boise State is the Fiesta Bowl Champion.