Will this be the end of the 2009 Major League Baseball’s championship series? The New York Yankees is one step ahead to win the title as the 2009 Major League Baseball champions.
The Yankees won the game yesterday with a score of 7-4. They now lead the series to 3-1. Of course, the ball is rolling. The Philadelphia Phillies still have a court advantage for game 5 of the World Series. They still have a chance to win this game. World Series game 5 score will be provided after the New York Yankees vs Philadelphia Phillies live streaming match.
The game kicks off tonight at 7:57PM ET. You can watch World Series Game 5 Live Streaming at FOX or here. Have a glimpse of the 2009 World Series Baseball Schedule.
(update) World Series Game 5 Live Streaming New York Yankees vs Philadelphia Phillies is already deleted. The Phillies won game 5.
World Series Game 5 Live Streaming and Score Update

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