The story of Britney Spears dead has been crawling all over the cyberspace. I was even shocked upon reading it. I thought that Britney Spears is in fact dead, but she's not.
Based on some comments and articles in several blogs and websites, I believe that the issue on "Britney Spears dead" refers to her performance on stage. Britney Spears Australian Circus tour started November 5. However, the fans are not satisfied with her performance on stage. It was alleged that she is lip-syncing in her Australian concert tour so much so that legislators are planning to enact laws requiring performers to state whether or not they are performing live on stage and which fact must be stated in the tickets during concerts.
Whew what an issue. Could this be the cause of Britney Spears dead career?
Britney Spears Dead Refers to her Peformance

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