Although Miley Cyrus is considered as one of the famous teen stars of the year still she is considered the Worst Celebrity Influence of 2009.
Worst Celebrity Influence of 2009 is based on an online poll for 9-15 year-olds featured by AOL's (Just So You Know). The site did not provide for reasons why Miley Cyrus got this poor rating. However, some websites mentioned that may be this is due to Miley Cyrus pole dancing and her slant eyes photo (Miley Cyrus Asian Photo Video) which allegedly indicates mocking the people from Asia.
Second and third place for the Worst Celebrity Influence of 2009 are Britney Spears and Kanye West respectively. On the other hand, Selena Gomez is the Best Celebrity Influence of 2009 followed by Taylor Swift.
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Miley Cyrus Pole Dancing: Worst Celebrity Influence of 2009

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