I haven't checked yet whether or not gmail is down or what recently is gmail status. May be later. The Jaycee Dugard story is still unstoppable online. There is no way that this blog will be behind for that.
Jaycee Dugard daughters photos have been consistently searched online. Jaycee Dugard daughters photos are not released online. There may be photos that you will see online but they are kept blurred to protect the identity of the children (I suppose). Jaycee Dugard daughters' name are Starlet Garrido, 15, and AngelGarrido, 11.
Check my previous posts on the matter:
Jaycee Dugard News
Jaycee Dugard Press Conference Video
Watch Jaycee Dugard news update
World Cup of Pool 2009 Results US Open Tennis 2009 Results
Philip Garrido Letter from Jail
Jaycee Dugard Daughters Photos

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