I read websites as well as blogs about this "Meteor Shower August 2009." Its interesting. Although, I am not one of those who are lucky to witness this meteor shower still being a part of this event, if we call it an event, is enough for me. This is one advantage of being an internet addict. You get to know different things or events in different places all over the world. And it sounds fun even though I am just sitting at home and facing the computer all day long.
This meteor shower is expected to be seen early morning tomorrow, August 12, 2009. There will be not just one meteor shower but two. You can view the first at around 1:00 a.m. EST and the other peak around 5:30 a.m. EST.
I am hoping that someone can take a Meteor Shower August 2009 Video and post it at youtube so that I can post it here also. Anyway, I'll update this blog for available video tomorrow. In the meantime, watch Perseid Meteor Shower August 2009 Video below:
Meteor Shower August 2009 Video

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