Corazon "Cory" Aquino is the former President of Philippines died just recently August 1,2009 at 3:18 a.m in Medical Center and was diagnosed "Colon Cancer". She is the mother of Ms. Kris Aquino who is a brilliant host where everything she says is very true in front of the camera. I can feel the pain of the family of Aquino , especially Kris because she is a mom's child who loves her mom so much. The former president did many things in the Development of the country the time she was on the Presidency and that made every person in the Philippines felt down the time when she was undergoing his treatment a month. But I think we must then accept that this life is borrowed and that the only thing we can do is to pray for her soul and condolences to the family Aquino.
May she rest in peace. I still don't have the dates and to where she will be buried.
The truth about Cory Aquino's Death

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