Cigar With A Million Friends

Saturday |

I never knew that I had been good to all the people around. Sometimes I even felt like I don't know if what I acted is right but the time I attended a Recollection I felt like I cigar with a million friends. A smile from me mean so much to them and I am comfortable with it. I never knew that the poeple looked at me as a very nice person where I never realized that I am that friendly person. I always just make sure that I helped them the way they needed me, I also do the right thing as to be done.

I was struck with the story of a Social Worker in Ilinois , who died and leave her people with 1.4 million . A frugal woman but know when to use the money and as she died she leaves it in the charities and to the people who needs it.

Related Stories: Social Worker; Helping People