Danny Gokey American Idol Video

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Watch Danny Gokey American Idol Video! So, I guess my sister is right. Is this man she kept on talking and wanting to watch to perform in the American Idol Season 8 series. She thinks that Danny Gokey will go far this season. She believe that Danny Gokey is similar to Elliot in the previous American Idol.

So my sister has a good taste huh since almost all or I may say all blogs that I encountered they like Danny Gokey. Today in American Idol Season 8 search for the Top 12, the first 12 of the Top 36 already performed. And the last to perform is Danny Gokey who sung Hero of Mariah Carey. The judges were impressed as are his fans. Do you think Danny Gokey will win the American Idol Season 8?

Watch Danny Gokey American Idol Video!