Taken Movie Trailer

Thursday |

Watch online Taken Movie Trailer English version! So, I never realized that this going to be shown this month. I almost forgot about until I saw it google trends. Read Taken Movie Review. In that Taken Movie Review, what I posted was not an English version of the movie trailer. I must update that post for I would like you to know that the movie is indeed good actually very excellent. And that you must watch the movie Taken.

Actually, I'll modify my movie review. Aside from the love of the father, the children must learn to obey their parents unless of course that parent is not worthy of such obedience. A person from the age of 10 to 19 must listen to their parents. It is at this stage that they are in the peak of experiencing interesting circumstances in their life. And the parents are already at that stage. They had experienced it. So children must learn to listen and obey by heart their parents.

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