I came across an advertisement in our local television relating to Special Olympics 2009. I am touched about this game that is why I kept on searching about this event. I think its one way of spreading the news. I must admit that I cannot help or donate financially. However, I believe that through dissemination of this information its one way of being part of the event. The Special Olympics World Winter Games will start of February 7-13, 2009. The Special Olympics 2009 will be held at Idaho, USA.
I am not quite familiar yet with the details for this is my first time to blog about the event. A part of the Special Olympics 2009 World Winter Games is the The Global Law Enforcement Torch Run. The Global Law Enforcement Torch Run continues from New York City, USA last January 15, 2009, to Los Angeles, USA on the 24th of January 2009 and to Idaho, USA which is the Final Leg on January 28, 2009 to February 6, 2009.
I will be updating you with the Special Olympics 2009 World Winter Games Results. At least by that time, I will be back home.
Special Olympics 2009 World Winter Games Results

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