John Travolta's Son, Jett Travolta, Died

Saturday |

John Travolta's Son, Jett Travolta, died. Okay I am late again in blogging about this. But I like John Travolta. Especially in his role in Face Off. Anyway, this is definitely a sad story. John Travolta's Son, Jett Travolta is only sixteen years old. And usually it is common notion that the father dies ahead of the son which in this case is entirely the other way around, which is more painful to John Travolta as a father.

The news all over the internet are saying that Jett Travolta died because of Kawasaki Syndrome. What is this Kawasaki Syndrome? Kawasaki Syndrome is a fever causing disease. It is one of the causes of acquired heart disease all over America. But this disease is uncommon. What happened to Jett Travolta, John Travolta's Son is that he was found unconscious in the bathroom. The incident occurred in Bahamas where the family is on vacation. There will be an autopsy that will be conducted relating to the matter.

Here are the videos which I got at youtube. Watch online John Travolta`s Son Jett Dead at 16

The tragic death of actor John Travolta's son, Jett Travolta Part 1 2009

Jet Travolta - John Travolta's son cause of death- Kawasaki Disease