Heath Ledger Wins Globe Awards 2009! I was just watching it and it was very touching. This is the first time that the winner already passed away. The celebrities are in tears after the announcement. There is no doubt that the award winning bodies gave the award not because of Heath Ledger's death but because he deserves it. I saw Dark Knight. And he acted very natural and he gave justice to the role.
Heathe Ledger played the role of Joker. I failed to make a movie review about it. Likewise, I have no review of this moment where the award was announced. Well, congratulations to Heath Ledger for winning the best supporting actor.
I'll embed some videos as soon as they are available. Check out my post 66th Golden Globe Awards Video, I updated the videos already. And it is where you can check out the link where I got the videos so that you will be updated too.
RELATED POST: Heath Ledger Won the Golden Globe 2009 Supporting Actor plus more
Heath Ledger Wins Globe Awards 2009

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