Check out the Top Ten Best TV Shows for 2008! It is less than five days and 2008 will soon be over. The year of the ox "2009" is coming. I will be talking about it more tomorrow. I hope I can blog earlier tomorrow. But I am not sure though for I will again be running some errands along with my father. Despite the nationwide crisis, it is still worth to celebrate the start of 2009. Let us forget the worries and begin the year with a bang!
Here is again my series of top tens. Since I could not see the videos that I am looking for, I might as well blog another top ten. And since my video blog is mostly searched on some TV shows, I figured I'll search too for the Top Ten Best TV Shows for 2008. I got this list from the site which I regularly based the TV episodes I update in this blog. I cannot give you details on why they are the top ten. For sure you already knew that, lol.
Here are the Top Ten Best TV Shows for 2008:
1. How I Met Your Mother
2. 30 Rock
3. Dexter
4. Saturday Night Live
5. Lost
6. Mad Men
7. The Office
8. Pushing Daisies
9. Battlestar Galactica
10. True Blood
Happy New Year everyone! I'll write tomorrow my new year's resolution.
Top Ten Best TV Shows for 2008

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