Watch online Marky Cielo Last Dance (Huling Sayaw) at Mel & Joey Video! This is the latest about Marky Cielo. Since there are a lot of searches about Marky Cielo I might as well update you. And since I am feeling lucky that this video is available online, I might as well share it with you all who loves Marky Cielo. This only proves that a lot of people out there do love Marky Cielo. Its just sad that at such a young age similar incident will occur to such loved celebrity. Marky Cielo will be remembered forever.
Marky Cielo Last Dance (Huling Sayaw) at Mel & Joey (Video) is said to be the last dance of Marky Cielo before he died. This dance was taken December 5, 2008 which is two days before Marky Cielo Died. As to those searching for the truth behind the death of Marky Cielo, I think we should stop the same. Let him rest. What was said before is still the reason. So let it be. See the video I got from youtube for I am pretty sure this will be deleted soon.
Ang Huling Sayaw ni MARKY CIELO - MEL & JOEY - Dec. 21, 2008
Read my previous posts relating to Marky Cielo:
Marky Cielo's Death
Marky Cielo's Burial Video
Marky Cielo Last Dance (Huling Sayaw) at Mel & Joey Video

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