I want to greet everyone of you a happy New Year's Eve! Even if how difficult life is becoming we are still celebrating the coming of the year 2009 year of the ox. There are a lot of reasons to celebrate. Let's focus on the blessings that we had received and hope that the coming of the new year will be better. I for one had a reason to celebrate. I am just a simple person with simple needs. I am not rich for sure. Despite that I still look forward for the coming of a happy 2009. I am hoping that in this year to come I'll be more focused on my dreams (that is if I have any, hahaha) and of attaining some priorities in my personal life.
In my own opinion, I dont mind of what's gonna be the 2009 predictions. Now, I will be matured in my dealings with life. Whatever comes my way, I'll face it with positive outlook which I failed to do in the past years. My new year resolutions are (1) to go to church regularly, (2) to avoid procrastinating and seriously setting up my priorities and (3) more importantly to blog more (hahaha!).
In whatever way we celebrate new year around the world the thing is we are ready to face another challenges in our lives. That is why we are looking forward for the next year to come. Whatever the 2009 horoscope is saying what we want to achieve in life depends on how we work hard for it not what others say it will be. Time to face the year with perseverance, hard work and strong-willed. Countdown to 2009 will be hilarious!
Happy 2009 Everyone!

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