Desperate Housewives Season 11?! Do you think I made a clerical error in my title? Ooops, wait a minute. Definitely I did not made a mistake in typing my title. That is true. That is so far as I read the news right. Desperate Housewives will have a continued season up to the year 2013. Do you loving it? Do you think that there will going to be Desperate Housewives Season 11? What do you think guys? Please do leave a comment so that I am not talking to myself, hahaha! Are there any Desperate Housewives fan out there?
Actually, there are humors that it might. But as to the project will be approved that we have to wait for the years to come. The creator Marc Cherry announced in the celebration of the 100 episodes of Desperate Housewives, that he is going to extend the show. The original casts of Desperate Housewives will remain, well most of them will be. And there will be more saucy and sexy happenings when that time will come. I cant actually relate yet when it comes to being Desperate Housewives. May be I will be soon next year. Hhhhmm, I am excited but nervous.
Since I already made mention about this TV show, I might as well tell you the next episode. Desperate Housewives Season 5 Episode 11 (s05e11) All the Juicy Details will be seen on January 7, 2009 at ABC. There is no trailer yet for this video. I will provide you if there will be available. To make this first post for Desperate Housewives desirable, here is Desperate Housewives Season 5 Episode 10 (s05e10) A Vision's Just a Vision Complete Video.
Desperate Housewives Season 11 plus Complete Video of s05e10

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