Biggest Loser Winner is Michelle Aguilar! Isnt that great. Imagine how these people lose weight. The Biggest Loser: Families finale was aired last night at ABC. Sadly, this is my first and last post regarding Biggest Loser TV show. Actually it is a reality show. As you most knew the contestants here are people weighing more 200 pounds. And their aim is lose weight to win the game. They have different reasons in joining the competition the only common thing among the contestants is their willingness to lose weight either plainly for winning the $250,000 grand prize or to prove something to people out there who misjudge them plainly because of their weight. Well every show has its end. Biggest Loser Families Season 6 is one.
Biggest Loser Winner is Michelle Aguilar lose 110 pounds. Another woman won the game. This time they will be considered as an inspiration to those who intend to change their life. Anyway, honestly, I cant say much about this show. I cant find a video either. I'll update this post when Biggest Loser: Families season 6 finale replay videos will be available. As for now, I got none. Below are only old videos.
On the other hand braze yourself with the new Biggest Loser: Couples Season 7 which will start Tuesday, January 6 on NBC at 8PM ET/PT. This will definitely be different and surely intriguing too.
Biggest Loser Full Season 6
Biggest Loser Winner

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