I thought of not updating this blog. It has been several days since I started this blog October 27 to be exact and I am hoping that it will be indexed a few days after. Sad to say it was not. But then, today, when I searched the url of this blog at google, it is already there. And I am so happy that it is already indexed by google. A friend of mine said that once a blog is indexed two days after making the blog (which is not precisely what happened to my blog)it is an indication that google easily crawls into your blog which is a good thing for a start. Since mine was only indexed after several weeks, I am not sure if that is a good thing, lol.
Now, I am finished worrying. So let me proceed to the video that you might wanna see right now. This is the Vera Farmiga Video at Letterman. For the information of all, Vera Farmiga is an actress who stars in several movies such as Running Scared and the Departed. She stopped by at Letterman TV show. Actually, I am wondering why this is the most watched video online today for this has been taken sometime last year. For whatever reason, it is the most watched video online and this is the Vera Farmiga on Letterman video.
Aside from that here are some other videos of Vera Farmiga which I came across at youtube.
Vera Farmiga is the sweetest girl video
The departed Vera Farmiga interview video

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The texts from this blog are penned by the blog author. However, the videos or photos provided herein were not personally uploaded by the author. These videos or photos are taken from third-party sites.
Any person claiming rights to these videos or photos and desiring to delete them from this blog may contact the blog author at bestre89@gmail.com.