Actually, this was supposed to be posted yesterday. But my mom used the computer that is why I ended up doing nothing. I feel like doing a movie review. Have you seen the movie Disturbia? This movie was released last year. Among the casts are Shia LaBeouf as Kale, Sarah Roemer as Ashley, Carrie-Anne Moss as Julie, David Morse as Mr. Turner, Aaron Yoo as Ronnie, Jose Pablo as Cantillo, Matt Craven as Daniel Brecht. The plot provided at wikipedia is too long. So, as far as the plot is concerned, Shia LaBeouf as Kale is a teenager who was depressed because of the recent death of his father and became an irritable student leading him to hit his professor which resulted to his house arrest. The story centers on his house arrest where he suspected a neighbor to be a murderer of the lady teens in their area. And indeed his suspicion became true.
So here is my review. The first part of the story is somewhat boring. I thought it is purely a teen story. It seemed superfluous. But in toto, I realized that it is part of the whole. Although there are some that I think that it should not be included still. But then, same will be overlapped because of the story itself. The thrill starts when he became suspicious with his neighbor Robert Turner. He do believed that the latter is involved in the killing of young women especially when Kale while watching over a telescope remembered the car rode by the murderer. Then, on, he included his bestfriend Ronnie and neighbor love affair Ashley Carlson in observing said neighbor. The thrill goes on and on when Kale's suspicion is leading to reality and when his mom became involved. I think without it, it would totally be a dull movie.
I would still suggest that you must watch Disturbia the movie. There are a lot of lessons that you can get from it in different aspects. First from the teenager himself, from the mother, the teacher, the neighbor and the police authorities. Just pick the person involved to whom you can relate to.

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